?Division of Occupational Therapy
Learning and Teaching
Postgraduate programmes?
Master of Occupational Therapy by Thesis
This Masters route is based on a substantial piece of original research completed by the student. For direct admission to the Master of Occupational Thearpy degree programme (thesis option), you must have completed an approved curriculum of research methodology and /or advanced study at this 肆客足球 or elsewhere. Masters thesis option students can therefore take the module Research Methodology and Statistics 871 (30) towards this purpose. This module is offered every year as a two-week synchronous online offering, usually during February/March. For the remainder of the course, students complete their dissertation under the guidance of their supervisor(s).
To apply, applicants submit a summary of their research idea with a motivation for why this particular topic is of interested and significant for research purposes to the head of division, Prof LG Cloete at lizahn@sun.ac.za or the programme leader, Dr S de Klerk at sdk@sun.ac.za?.
Admissions can be made online at www.maties.com? by 30 September of the previous year.
Applications for prospective international students close on 31 August.
The admissions committee convenes at the end of November to screen all applications. Successful applicants will receive acceptance letters in December.